Q. What is My Login Id?

A. User Id is ICAI Membership No. without any prefix like "0".

Q. I Forgot my Password?

A. Pls. use Forgot Password link & Password will be sent to the eMail-id Registered with the website, which will be displayed before sending the mail. If this mail-id is incorrect please mail your correct mail-id to bcscevents@gmail.com. Once you get the confirmation of updating your mail-id please use forgot password again.

Q. On Login it is shown “Invalid User Id”?

A. Please fill the Registration Form since you are not registered with this new website.

Q. I am not receiving eMails?

A. Please Login and update your eMail-id in My Profile.

Q. I am not receiving SMSs?

A. Please Login and update your Mobile number in My Profile.

Q. How to register myself for paid seminars?

A. It is requested that the fees for the paid seminars can be paid at the Study Circle Office or any Study Circle Meeting held before the date of paid seminar.

Q. I am a member of Study Circle can I attend Study Group Meetings?

A. Study Group Meetings are held only for Study Group Members.